High Yield Investments With Security - Notes - Options - Roth IRAs - 401ks

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Littleton Note For Sale

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2nd Position - Single Family Home in Littleton

Your Price: $9838.20

Original Loan Balance: $15,000

Total Principal Loan Balance: $16,275.94

Late Payments: $1273.93

Late Fees: $84

Payments: $181.99

Interest Rate: 8%

Original Term: 120 Months

Term Left On Loan: 112 Months

Notes: 7 months behind -> Only made 1 payment, good terms on first note and plenty of equity in the house, 83% LTV, Family situation doesn't want to foreclose on them.  You can foreclose and assume the first (without Due On Sale Clause Problems with the first lender).  If you don't know how I will tell you how.  Call for more info.